
Fragrant Mosquito Repellent

Fragrant Mosquito Repellent

Hello Lovelies, With summer upon us and in all her glory, I wanted to share a fantastic DIY fragrant mosquito repellent recipe that keeps those pesky bugs at bay and smells terrific! Mosquitos devour me whenever I venture outside in the evening during the summertime....

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Feeding Baby Goats

Feeding Baby Goats

Hello Lovelies, I get tickled when I watch those delightful Facebook videos of baby goats joyfully prancing around, playfully hopping on anything and everything in their path, even on other baby goats. I could imagine my delight in feeding baby goats. When Ollin asked...

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Incredible Benefits of Yoga

Incredible Benefits of Yoga

Hello Lovelies, Let's talk about the incredible benefits of yoga and squeezing in just a few minutes each week! Even with a minimal time commitment, incorporating yoga into your routine can make a big difference in how you feel. Chilling Out First, yoga is fantastic...

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Why You Are Awake at 3:00 a.m.

Why You Are Awake at 3:00 a.m.

Hello Lovelies, My eyes flutter open. I orient myself as I roll my head toward the soft light from the bedside clock. Squinting at the dial is no surprise when I read 3:20 a.m. Why am I awake at 3:00 a.m. for the third time this week? How is this possible? I was...

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Five Self-Care Rituals You Can Do Right Now

Five Self-Care Rituals You Can Do Right Now

This post is about transforming your life today by adding these impactful five self-care rituals that you can do right now and cost very little.  Hello Lovelies, Want to make a difference? Add these five self-care rituals that can make a difference right now to your...

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Perfect 5-Minute Evening Skincare Routine

Perfect 5-Minute Evening Skincare Routine

Hello Lovelies, Try this perfect 5-minute evening skincare routine tonight. I'll bet that you didn't know your skin undergoes a natural process of rejuvenation and repair at night This night-time process is not well-known. So, the products you choose for this critical...

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6 Reasons Self-Care Is Essential

6 Reasons Self-Care Is Essential

Hello Lovelies, You may think that spending time on yourself is a waste of time. I assure you, it is not. Who is not juggling work and personal life? No one!  That's why self-care is essential. With a demanding to-do list, self-care often becomes the last priority. We...

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Eliminate Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Eliminate Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Hello Lovelies, Are you tired of looking like you haven't slept in days because of the pesky dark circles under your eyes? They can make even the most well-rested person appear worn down. Since it is one of the most common cosmetic complaints, and I notice it under my...

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7 Tips for a Blissful Night of Sleep

7 Tips for a Blissful Night of Sleep

Hello Lovelies, Struggling to get a good night's sleep? Look no further! If you are like me, a good night's sleep can be hard to come by. I have seven tips for a blissful night of sleep and an energized wake-up! Schedule Your Sleep: The most important thing you can do...

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