Simple Luxury Lifestyle for Women Over 50-ish




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Guide for Simple Luxuries

Fragrant Mosquito Repellent

Fragrant Mosquito Repellent

Hello Lovelies, With summer upon us and in all her glory, I wanted to share a fantastic DIY fragrant mosquito repellent recipe that keeps those pesky bugs at bay and smells terrific! Mosquitos devour me whenever I venture outside in the evening during the summertime....

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The Power of Decluttering Your Home

This free download offers practical tips, inspiring insights, and easy-to-follow strategies to help you eliminate unnecessary clutter and create a harmonious, stress-free home. Unlock the secrets to a more organized and fulfilling life with this empowering resource.    DOWNLOAD HERE

Feeding Baby Goats

Feeding Baby Goats

Hello Lovelies, I get tickled when I watch those delightful Facebook videos of baby goats joyfully prancing around, playfully hopping on anything and everything in their path, even on other baby goats. I could imagine my delight in feeding baby goats. When Ollin asked...

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Incredible Benefits of Yoga

Incredible Benefits of Yoga

Hello Lovelies, Let's talk about the incredible benefits of yoga and squeezing in just a few minutes each week! Even with a minimal time commitment, incorporating yoga into your routine can make a big difference in how you feel. Chilling Out First, yoga is fantastic...

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The Comfort of Crows Book Review

The Comfort of Crows Book Review

Hello Lovelies, I will never see my backyard the same way since reading "The Comfort of Crows." Easy Read "The Comfort of Crows" Book Review was fun to write...

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Why You Are Awake at 3:00 a.m.

Why You Are Awake at 3:00 a.m.

Hello Lovelies, My eyes flutter open. I orient myself as I roll my head toward the soft light from the bedside clock. Squinting at the dial is no surprise when I read 3:20 a.m. Why am I awake at 3:00 a.m. for the third time this week? How is this possible? I was...

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Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Hello Lovelies, I’m excited to share a list of fantastic Father’s Day Gift Ideas. With the big day approaching, I’m always searching for the perfect gift. I’m sure many of you can relate! These varied Father’s Day Gift Ideas will help take the stress out of choosing a a gift and make your Dad’s day extra special.

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