No-Fuss Stainless Steel Cleaning Tips

by | Jan 27, 2025 | cleaning | 0 comments

Hello Lovelies,

I love the look of my stainless steel appliances, but before I used these no-fuss stainless steel cleaning tips, our fingerprints showed so well that the FBI could use them to nab us if we ever decided to go rogue. Try them. You’ll be happy with the hassle-free shine.

Check Your Manual

Before you gather the first microfiber cloth, please have a look at your owner’s manual for a list of ingredients they recommend. I know! This is one of those instances you want to check to avoid injury to yourself and damage to the appliance. You don’t want to slather on an abrasive material on the front of your refrigerator or, worse, use a flammable fluid on your stove or oven. Even if you manage to sidestep a fire, it could permanently damage the appliance and/or surrounding areas.

Steer Clear of Damaging Materials

  • Abrasives — Materials such as scouring powder, brushes, or sponges should never be used.
  • Oils — Oils can start with a beautiful shine but will dull when dust and fingerprints settle. The sticky oil on my refrigerator would accumulate a red fur coat halfway up the door from a simple drive-by with my Maine Coon’s tail.
  • Alcohol — Any alcohol-containing products are a no-no, as streaking or discoloration could damage the appliance. And yes, it’s a no to glass cleaner, too.

Essential Materials

These no-fuss stainless steel cleaning tips work best when you have these materials on hand when cleaning stainless steel.

  • Dish soap
  • Water
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Spray bottle
  • Small bowl
  • Microfiber towels

How to Clean Stainless Steel Appliances

1. Wipe Down the Surface: Using the spray bottle with 1-1/2 cups of warm water and 1/2 tsp of dish soap, spray the soapy water on the appliance and wipe away fingerprints with the microfiber towel. Make sure to follow the grain of the stainless steel.

2. Rinse: Use a clean, damp cloth to rinse off any soap residue.

3. Dry Thoroughly: To prevent water spots from forming, dry the surface completely with a clean, dry cloth.

4. Remove Stains: For tougher stains, spray a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Wipe with a soft cloth, again following the grain.

5. Regular Maintenance: To keep your stainless steel looking its best, clean it regularly with mild soap and water.

Remove Hard Water Stains

However, to tackle hard water stains or tougher spots, dampen a soft cloth with vinegar and place it directly on the stained area. Allow the cloth to sit for five to ten minutes. Then, follow Steps 1 through 3.

Remove Rust Stains

Similarly, to remove rust stains, make a paste of baking soda and water in a small bowl. Dip your finger in the past, and with the lightest touch, rub the stain. Then, follow Steps 1 through 3.

Use these stainless steel cleaning tips regularly to keep them in tip-top condition.





Read How to Clean With Household Products vs. Store Bought for more cleaning tips.

Guide for Simple Luxuries Book


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